VPNs offer an additional layer of security over messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, which already use end-to-end encryption. Although these apps are designed to protect the content of messages against unauthorized access, connecting to the internet can expose sensitive information, such as IP addresses and the user’s location. A VPN works by masking the real IP and encrypting all data traffic, which makes it difficult for hackers, internet providers or even governments to intercept.
Furthermore, when connecting to a VPN, the user starts using an intermediate server to access the network, making it more difficult to track their activities. This is particularly important when using public Wi-Fi networks, which are common targets for cybercriminals. Even if a hacker manages to break into the Wi-Fi network, the transmitted data will be protected by the VPN’s additional encryption layer, preventing the capture of information or messages exchanged in applications.
Finally, VPNs can also be useful for users in countries where access to certain messaging apps is restricted or monitored. By connecting to a server in another country, the VPN allows you to bypass geoblocks and use WhatsApp, Telegram or other apps freely.
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