“It is a great honor to have been chosen to host this beautiful event, as part of this Extra G7 that we strongly wanted. It is a great privilege to also receive this recognition, because Ancona is putting a lot of effort into everything related to health mental health, neurology and neuroscience. These topics are absolutely fundamental, especially considering the aging population. There will therefore be a need to invest and do a lot in these areas.” This is how Emanuela Caucci, councilor for social policies of the Municipality of Ancona, comments to Adnkronos Salute on the recognition of the Marche capital as the capital of brain health, awarded this morning on the occasion of an Extra G7 Health event organized by Ean (European Academy of Neurology) , in collaboration with Sin (Italian Society of Neurology) and with the Italian Strategy for Brain Health.
“We have a project called ‘Ancona Longeva’ – continues Caucci – which we have experimented with and whose results we have presented within this Extra G7. We have also started a start-up accelerator, which has selected some innovative companies with the aim to improve the lives of the elderly”.