Thanks to the careful work carried out by researchers and following a long analysis lasting 50 years, it was possible to discover a new blood group called MAL. The study began 50 years ago, when in 1972 a pregnant woman was found to be lacking a specific antigen called AnWj, name given in honor of two patients who lacked it. It is an antigen present on the surface of red blood cells in all people, and precisely in 99.9% of them.
What causes the lack of this antigen? According to some studies, the most common cause could be linked to tumors that act by suppressing the expression of the antigen and hematological disorders. In reality, however, the new study seems to have identified a family composed of 5 people all lacking this antigen not because of a tumor but for a genetic cause. Each of these people The researchers analyzed the entire exosome, or the DNA that codes for proteins.
The result obtained from the expert analyses
The results of the analyses have allowed us to discover that these rare genetic cases of AnWj antigen negativity are caused by deletions of DNA sequences in both copies of the gene called Mal. Scientists have therefore defined Mal as the new blood group defined by the presence or absence of the previously mentioned antigen.
What was discovered thanks to this investigation therefore allows us to indicate with precision the number of blood groups known up to now, stating that these are 47. But not only that, this study has allowed us to discover this new blood group and consequently, declared the first author of the study, Louise Tilley of the NHS Blood and Transplant of Bristol, it allows experts to be able to offer the best assistance to rare but nevertheless very important patients.