Meanwhile, the unfortunate family is beginning to realize the tragedy. That started shortly before Anne Schrage saw the sea of flames from her bedroom window. “It was after two o’clock when I woke up to a strange noise,” says the daughter of Jolanda and Bert Schrage, who run the partnership together with Coba, Bert’s mother. “What did it sound like? Like a mix of fireworks, thunder and hail. I pushed aside a curtain and saw a lot of fire. A big sea of fire,” she describes. “My entire bedroom turned orange. I immediately shouted ‘fire!’ and ran to my parents. We also woke up grandma.” Jolanda immediately called 112. In the meantime, Bert and Anne’s boyfriend rushed to the sheds to save what could be saved, such as tractors, machines and one of the four forklifts. Everything else went up in flames.