To avoid misinformation, the creator also emphasized that he did not express his annoyance towards Astro Bot or Team Asobi, in fact he also hoped that the game would sell better. He was just really disappointed that Bend Studios did not “maintain its legacy”.
Have a personal grudge against Sony?
For the record, John Garvin specifically served as creative director and writer for Days Gone, but he left Bend Studios in 2019, a few months after the game’s release.
This disappointment that he expressed quite loudly is thought to be due to having a personal grudge against Sony as the publisher, which did not give the green light to present the sequel.
The rejection is also believed to be due to the publisher being considered to prioritize positive reviews. The creator even mentioned that “Metacritic scores are everything” for Sony. When the article was written, on Metacritic itself, the Days Gone game had an average score of 71 from the media and critics, and an average score of 8.5 from its players.
Furthermore, even though the creator himself felt disappointed with this, Sam Witwer, who voices Deacon, felt the opposite, even tweeting that he would soon buy the Astrobot game.
Well, about how crime your response to this? Come on, let’s get straight to it share your opinion in the comments column. You can also check review Days Gone from me on this page.
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