Rome, 5 September 2024 – The reports of fatal accidents at work filed in the first seven months of 2024 to Inail were 57718 more than the 559 recorded in the same period of 2023, eight more than in 2022, 22 fewer than in 2019, 139 fewer than in 2020 and 100 fewer than in 2021. By comparing the number of fatal cases to Istat employed people in the various periods (provisional data), we note how the incidence drops from 2.59 deaths reported per 100 thousand Istat employed people in 2019 to 2.40 in 2024 (-7.3%), while it increases by 0.8% compared to 2023 (from 2.38 to 2.40).
At a national level, the data collected in July of each year show for the first seven months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, despite the provisional nature of the numbers, an increase in cases occurring at work, from 430 to 440, and in those in itinere, from 129 to 137. The increase concerned the Industry and Services management, which went from 484 to 486 fatal reports, Agriculture (from 59 to 71) and the State Account (from 16 to 20). There were 79 work-related deaths in Construction (compared to 58 in 2023), 55 in the manufacturing sector (51 in 2023), 32 in Commerce (as in 2023) and 22 in Rental and business support services (20 in 2023), while Transport and warehousing recorded 46 reported deaths compared to 61 in 2023.
The territorial analysis shows increases in the North-East (from 120 to 127 reports) and in the Islands (from 44 to 65), parity in the Center (113 deaths in both periods) and decreases in the North-West (from 155 to 154) and in the South (from 127 to 118). Among the regions with the greatest increases are Emilia-Romagna (+21), Sicily (+17) and Lazio (+9), while the most evident decreases are Veneto (-14), Marche and Piedmont (-6 each), Umbria, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Puglia (-5 each). The increase recorded in the comparison of the periods January-July 2023 and 2024 is linked both to the male component, whose fatal reports went from 520 to 530, and to the female component, from 39 to 47. Reports by Italian workers decreased (from 456 to 447) and those by non-EU workers increased (from 79 to 98) and EU citizens (from 24 to 32). The analysis by age group shows increases in reports among under 15s (from 1 to 2 cases), 20-24 year-olds (from 25 to 29), 35-39 year-olds (from 34 to 39), 45-59 year-olds (from 250 to 269), 65-69 year-olds (from 32 to 40) and over 74s (from 7 to 12) and reductions among 15-19 year-olds (from 11 to 9), 25-34 year-olds (from 57 to 47), 40-44 year-olds (from 48 to 43) and 60-64 year-olds (from 81 to 72). As of July 31 of this year, there were five reports of multiple accidents, for a total of 21 deaths, four of which were on the road. In the first seven months of 2023, there were six reports of multiple accidents, for a total of 12 deaths, half of which were road accidents.
Lazio among the most dangerous regions
With a mortality rate higher than the national average, the Lazio region is in the orange zone in the emergency mapping, that is, the one in which the regions with a mortality risk between the national average value and 125 are located% of the national average incidence. We are talking about a mortality incidence rate per million workers equal to 20.2, higher than the national average of 18.7.
To identify the most fragile areas of Italy in terms of workplace safety, the Vega Safety Observatory develops a risk mapping in relation to the incidence of mortality.
The orange zone, where Lazio is located, is the zone that groups together the regions with a higher incidence of mortality at work than the national average. At the end of July 2024, the risk of fatal accidents in the region (20.2 deaths per million employed) is higher than the national average (18.7).
As regards the incidences, in detail, in the region it is discovered that Viterbo and Frosinone are in the red zone with indices respectively equal to 26.1 and 23.7. Following in the orange zone: Rome (19.8) and Latina (18.7). While Rieti is in the yellow zone with a mortality rate of 16.9.
In July 2024, the Transport and Warehousing sector is at the top of the list of reports of accidents at work (1,876