The performance of Iñaki Lopez and Roberto Leal In the first program he was absolutely devastating. Just Soraya and Miki Nadal They had managed to prevent them from achieving a full advantage in the early rounds.
These advantages obtained have granted them 15 extra seconds each for this final test. The challengers had all kinds of keys and instruments to open five doors and press the button that stopped the clock.
Despite screaming like no one else and arriving exhausted to the set again, Eva Gonzalez They have been informed that they have not managed to do it in time. The initial difficulties with the keys and the complications in knocking down walls have taken their toll and have ended their possibilities.
Roberto and Iñaki, wearing an extravagant cap with the Atresmedia logo, have been warned that they have lost their chances, for the moment, of getting an exclusive space on Atresplayer for exceeding 36 seconds. The channel has been the winner and will punish them by making an embarrassing promotion. Another time will be!