We are almost there, for Minister Matteo Salvini the New Highway Code 2024 will arrive by September. The Minister of Transport wants to speed things up, given the very serious road accidents of recent days. He has in fact spoken of a short suspension of the license on the highway. For now, 5 violations have been identified that will lead to suspension, provided that the driver has “less than 20 points”, otherwise no short suspension of the license. Let’s look at them together.
The first topic concerns reversing and also includes on main extra-urban roads, carried out on emergency stop lanes (with the exception of necessary maneuvers in service areas or parking – Article 176, paragraph 1, letter b). The second concerns failure to comply with the obligation to use the acceleration lane to enter the driving lane, as well as failure to give priority to vehicles traveling on the latter lane (Article 176, paragraph 2, letter a).
The third case is stopping or parking, outside of emergencies (discomfort of the vehicle occupants or inefficiency of the vehicle), on carriageways, ramps and junctions, and failure to comply with the obligation to bring the vehicle to the emergency parking lane as quickly as possible (or, failing this, to the first lay-by in the direction of travel, in any case avoiding obstruction of the traffic lanes – Article 176, paragraph 5). The fourth case concerns the failure to switch on, when stopped or parked at night, in the event of limited visibility, the position lights and other signalling devices (if they are missing or insufficient, there is an obligation to pre-warn with the mobile danger signal – Article 176, paragraph 7).
Finally, there is talk of failure to comply with the obligation to place the mobile danger signal when the nature of the fault makes it impossible to move the vehicle on the emergency lane or lay-by, or when the vehicle is forced to stop on stretches without such spaces, or when stopped on the emergency shoulder, at night or in any other case of limited visibility, if the parking lights are inefficient (article 176, paragraph 8). We will see whether all these proposals pass or not.