Han Solo’s iconic line from Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, which was anything but inspiring on a hot day of filming.
Although a lot of time has passed, the truth is that The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars It is considered one of the most charismatic and highest quality installments of the entire film franchise.
This film was directed by Irvin Kershnerand in an interview he talked about different aspects of the filming of the same, especially regarding the romance between Han Solo and Princess Leia.
Kershner also spoke about the line in the film where the princess declared her love for Han Solo, with the bounty hunter’s particular response surprising the audience, but also the film’s director.
However, Irvin comments, that this line of dialogue was improvised during a very hot day of filmingsince they didn’t want to complicate their lives too much and wanted to finish as soon as possible to go eat.
In an interview, director Kershner spoke about the origins of this iconic Han Solo quote to Princess Leia.
When Princess Leia made her declaration of love in The Empire Strikes BackHan Solo responded with a phrase that left everyone stunned: “I know.”
However, in the original script for The Empire Strikes Back, the response was supposed to be “I love you, too,” but Harrison Ford thought that sounded unnatural coming out of Han Solo’s mouth, so he decided to change it.
Luckily, both director Kershner and George Lucas approved the line, a line that was fairly well received by the preliminary audiences who saw the film, so they decided to leave it for the final theatrical release.
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