ROME – “Animal rights associations have firmly denounced that at least 10 dogs that arrived at the Muratella kennel have been kept for several days in small cages and carriers because the shelter and the health kennel no longer have free boxes – reports the regional coordinator of FDI animal welfare Lazio Cristina Valeri – and, despite the fact that the Ponte Marconi kennel can accommodate 200 dogs as per the contract, many boxes in this kennel are unusable because they are not adequately maintained, despite the sums allocated in the budget”.
“The situation for those who work in kennels has become unsustainable, the high temperatures, the holidays of some workers and the boom in entries that are not adequately managed mean that both the dogs and cats, and the workers, including the ASL veterinarians, are operating in conditions of extreme emergency and on the edge of animal abuse. Furthermore”, adds Cristina Valeri, “the dogs are not transferred to the contracted facilities because until the Ponte Marconi kennel reaches the number of 200 dogs envisaged by the contract, it is not permitted to add further costs to the management of stray animals. And to think that the environment councilor Sabrina Alfonsi communicated with satisfaction a few days ago the important adoption campaign carried out by Rome Capital, not to mention the office of the Guarantor Patrizia Prestipino, which is closed until August 28, despite being composed of 5 elements”.
Therefore, “we ask that Rome Capital intervene urgently to re-establish the situation out of control”, concludes the note from the regional head of the animal welfare department of Fratelli d’Italia.