One of the surprises from the Marvel Animation panel at D23 was the announcement of Eyes of Wakanda, an animated show centered on the world of Black Panther.
Marvel Animation presented at the D23 Eyes of Wakandaa series that will expand the world of Black PantherHowever, the most interesting thing is that an Iron Fist will appear in the program.
The return of Iron Fist
At the event, it was confirmed that Eyes of Wakanda, unlike Marvel Studios’ other animated projects, is set in the Tierra-616. Therefore, what is shown in this series could have importance in future productions of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
At the panel some images were shown, and the team behind the series (including Ryan Coogler) hinted that Eyes of Wakanda will address other areas of the story UCMIn fact, it was said that a hidden city will be presented that is protected by a man whose name comes from a title that is related to a glowing fist, which would confirm that Iron Fist will appear in the project.
It’s unlikely that the Iron Fist we see will be Danny Randas Eyes of Wakanda takes place in the past. At this time, there is no information on which version of the superhero will appear.
The animated series does not yet have a release date.