After years of chaos and behind-the-scenes problems, the long-awaited film adaptation of Borderlands has finally come to light. The film, directed by Eli Roth, was shaping up to be the big surprise of the summer, but early reviews indicate that what was expected to be a fun adventure film has turned into a resounding failure.
And the failure has been so notable that even the company responsible for the saga, Take-Two Interactivehas called on the public to at least give the adaptation of the successful looter shooter franchise developed by Gearbox a chance.
In an interview with American media IGN, Strauss ZelnickTake-Two CEO Zelnick expressed concern about the film’s negative reception: “Let’s give the movie a chance,” said Zelnick, who was surprised by the harshness of the reviews. “A lot of people worked really hard on it. The underlying intellectual property is phenomenal and the cast is amazing.”
Although everything points to the fact that Borderlands could turn out to be one of the biggest flops of the year, Zelnick made it clear that regardless of its box office performance, this will not have a significant financial impact on either the Borderlands franchise or Take-Two. However, it will be a coup in terms of prestige, especially considering the success of other video game adaptations that have greatly benefited their respective franchises.
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