August 10, 2024 | 18:18
Shock in the province of Parma: an autopsy has been ordered on the baby’s body
Parma, 10 August 2024 – 360-degree investigations by the Carabinieri of the Parma provincial command, coordinated by the prosecutor Alfonso D’Avino, into the case of newborn found dead yesterday in a garden of a villa in Traversetolo, in the province of Parma. An autopsy has been ordered on the baby’s body, entrusted to the head of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Parma and to a fetologist, to ascertain the manner, cause and time of death, as well as the age of the little victim. Immediately after the discovery, investigations were started with the intervention on site of the external magistrate on duty and the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Parma. The Parma RIS is also involved in tracing the DNA and acquiring further information that will allow the newborn’s mother to be traced. (Fonte: Adnkronos)
For the sake of accuracy, and to protect those under investigation, we remind you that an accusation is not equivalent to a conviction, that evidence is gathered in court and that the Italian judicial system provides for three levels of judgment.