The fact
August 10, 2024 | 16:32
The young man meanwhile was wandering around suspiciously outside a well-known public establishment in Gaeta
Gaeta, 10 August 2024 – The military personnel of the Gaeta Carabinieri Command have reported at liberty for the crime ofcarrying weapons or objects capable of causing offence (ex art. 4 co.2 L. 110/75) a man born in 93of Roman origins and resident in Gaeta. The personnel of the Arma, during a prearranged patrol and control service of the territory, noticed the young man while he was lurking suspiciously outside a well-known public establishment in Gaeta, reason for which he was identified and subsequently searched personally.
The outcome of the investigation allowed us to find a blank-firing pistol without a red cap, with the magazine inserted and the relevant ammunition presentwhich the subject was hiding inside his trousers. The man was therefore accompanied to the offices of the local Arma Command and at the end of the formal procedures, a report was issued against him – in agreement and in close synergy with the duly informed Judicial Authority – with the simultaneousthe requests for the “Daspo Urbano” provision (better known as “Daspo Willy”), which provides for the prohibition of accessing public or public-facing premises, addressed to the competent Administrative Authority for the territory.
For the sake of accuracy, and to protect those under investigation, we remind you that an accusation is not equivalent to a conviction, that evidence is gathered in court and that the Italian judicial system provides for three levels of judgment.