“It’s time to reverse the register and move from the society of medicine and drugs to that of prevention that doesn’t make you sick. We must adopt healthy lifestyles that can prevent us from 60% of chronic diseases and 40% of tumors. And in healthy lifestyles there is certainly giving space and time to sociality, to being together. In these times it often happens that caregivers who are almost always family members, often tired, looking for a bit of rest ‘deposit’ their elderly loved ones in hospital, specialized centers or RSA. I don’t condemn them because they don’t have concrete help but we can’t go on like this. Urgent systemic actions are needed”. Thus in a video on Facebook the director of Prevention of the Ministry of Health Francesco Vaia.
“It is a serious problem that we should increasingly deal with as a society as a whole and also as a Government – continues Vaia – We must think about new systems, for example ‘cohousing’ which has had many positive experiences in other countries. They are spaces in which family caregivers can rest but above all the elderly can live well with others. Let’s think about these things at a time when war is not at our door, let’s think as a country to defend the most fragile”.