“The waters of the lake, notoriously a source of refreshment and relaxation especially in this summer period, can hide dangers in terms of health and safety”. This is the warning from the Ats Insubria which launches an appeal to bathers, asking them to “dive only if they know how to swim well and are well trained”. The Varese Health Protection Agency also recommends “avoiding the practice of diving, especially after a long exposure to the sun, or in any case if you are too sweaty: diving suddenly, in fact, can cause muscle cramps to thermal shock. Diving from heights, as well as those in murky waters, are instead not recommended because they can cause trauma”.
The ATS then invites “particular attention towards children, who must always be supervised when they are near water sources, whether they are swimming pools for domestic use, water courses or lake shores. It is also advisable to use water games and inflatable objects, such as mattresses, responsibly, avoiding their use in deep water”, reads a note from the agency.
Finally, Ats Insubria reminds that “the rivers in the territory of competence are not suitable for swimming, in addition to the fact that the strong currents and the temperature of the water, which differs greatly from that of our body, represent a serious danger that should not be underestimated”.