August 7, 2024 | 04:00
The interventions will be aimed at achieving energy savings and breaking down some architectural barriers still present in the complex.
Latina, 7 August 2024 – The project proposal presented by the Municipality of Latina for energy efficiency works and the removal of architectural barriers for the Latina Scalo nursery school called “Il Trenino” was accepted.
“With great satisfaction – says Massimiliano Carnevale, deputy mayor and councilor for public works – I learned of the publication of the Regional Management Determination n.G03189/2024 with which it is clear that, following the evaluation investigation, our project proposal, relating to the property called “Il Trenino” on via della Stazione, has been admitted and fundable. Therefore, contributions will arrive for works aimed at energy efficiency and the removal of architectural barriers. In particular, the interventions will be aimed at trying to obtain energy savings on the management of the nursery school and to remove some architectural barriers still present in the complex”.
The contribution due to the Municipality of Latina is equal to 369 thousand euros, which corresponds to 90% of the amount of the works, and will be paid directly by the Ministry of Education and Merit as part of the resources of the “National Fund for the Integrated System of Education and Instruction from Birth to Six Years” for the year 2023. The remaining share, i.e. 41,000 euros, equal to 10%, is paid by the Municipality of Latina.
“I would like to extend a special thanks to the decorum offices,” Carnevale concluded, “who in a very short time were able to put together a valid and winning proposal that will allow the Latina Scalo structure, which hosts hundreds of children, to be made safe.” It’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.