SAN SALVATORE MONFERRATO – The dazed comedy of Valerio Lundini with his band, Vazzanikki; the effervescent rap of Willie Peyote; the popular and refined soul of Salento by Alessia Tondo; an evening of music, poetry and theater with the show “Sconfinare”; the final of the contest for young singer-songwriters of the area with M3Carl, Mabi, Mosi and PierC. These are some of the moments of the next “PeM! Festival – Parole e Musica in Monferrato”, the Piedmontese festival of meetings, stories and songs directed by Enrico Deregibus that from the end of August to October will touch ten municipalities, starting from the leader San Salvatore Monferrato.
Other events of the festival have already been announced (namely those with Simona Molinari, Andrea Mirò, Cristina Donà and Lamante) and many others will be announced on August 21st in the presentation press conference scheduled for 11:30 at the headquarters of the Province of Alessandria, in Palazzo Ghilini, in Piazza della Libertà. A total of 19 events will be scheduled for a program whose core is made up of meetings/interviews with artists and intellectuals who, in the first case, tell their stories interspersed with words and a performance. A sort of live journalism with a show. All events are free to enter and take place in Monferrato (a UNESCO site for ten years) and its surroundings, an hour or so from Turin, Milan and Genoa.
The event will touch ten municipalities: San Salvatore Monferrato, Lu Cuccaro Monferrato, Balzola, Valenza, Mirabello Monferrato with the Country Sport Village, Alessandria, Pontestura, Rive, Camagna Monferrato and the Ecomuseum of Pietra da Cantoni with the municipality of Cella Monte.
The festival will open with Simona Molinari, scheduled at Parco della Torre in San Salvatore Monferrato on August 24th at 9:30 pm. Lamante will follow on August 30th at 9:30 pm in Camagna Monferrato in Piazza Sant’Eusebio (in collaboration with the Sut la Cupola festival) and Valerio Lundini ei Vazzanikki on September 3rd at 9:30 pm in Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII in Balzola.
On September 5th at 9:30 pm it will be the turn of the theatrical show “Sconfinare” with Valentina Veratrini, Joana Gjoni, Vincenzo Pugliese at the Cascina Annibalini in Mirabello Monferrato, on September 6th at 9:30 pm with Andrea Mirò in Piazza Vittorio Veneto in Rive (Vc) and on September 8th at 9:30 pm with Willie Peyote at the Parco della Torre in San Salvatore Monferrato.
The event will then continue at the Country Sport Village in Mirabello Monferrato for two events, both at 9:30 p.m.: on September 10 at 9:30 p.m. with Cristina Donà and on September 12 with the final of the third edition of the Pem Music Contest, which will see M3Carl, Mabi, Mosi and PierC competing. On September 13, Lu (in the municipality of Lu and Cuccaro Monferrato) will host Alessia Tondo at 9:30 p.m. in Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII (churchyard of the church of San Nazzaro).