The daily life of these residents of the Madrid neighborhood of Tetuán is that of living with fights, garbage, drugs and also fires, which make them fear for their lives on a daily basis. The neighbors have reported the case to the authorities, but the squatters of the building have not yet vacated the area. They claim that These individuals are fighting all the time and coexistence among them is impossible. “It’s sad to see the street full of rubbish, urine on the corners. I don’t think anyone would like to live like this among rats,” says one of those affected.
Recently there was a fire that It frightens the daily life of the neighbors for fear of new episodes. After the fire, the power was cut off in the neighborhood and they are afraid that there may be an explosion of cables that have fatal consequences.
“There are high voltage cables and the neighbours fear that an explosion could occur”
Espejo Público has spoken with Ángel, the only neighbor who has dared to help them because the rest are afraid. Bottles, cigarette butts, condoms and the remains of a mirror are what can be found in the area near the squatted flat. On the façade of There are also high voltage cables on that floor. who fear that they may lead to an explosion.
“No entry, we cut off heads,” is the text of a sign that squatters have hung in the area to intimidate anyone who wanted to approach them. The neighbors have identified the leader of This group that enters and leaves the area frequentlyA team from Espejo Público has attempted to contact the squatters, without success.
“The police are now like Telepizza, they only come if you call them”
Ángel He lives on the next street but passes through this area when going shopping. Neighbors on the street have told him that they fear for their lives if a fire breaks out at a power station. They have a police station 3 blocks away but They don’t see that the police presence has increased“The officers come by car. The police have become a bit like ‘telepizza’, you call them if there is a problem and they solve it for you,” says this resident of Tetuán.