Latina, 23 July 2024 – The Lazio Regional Directorate of the‘INPS with the support of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Latina has launched a large-scale operation to combat undeclared work and the combating the exploitation of agricultural workers.
The inspections were carried out in agricultural companies in the territories of Latina, Terracina, Sperlonga and Fondi sbased on lists prepared by the INPS Revenue Management Department.
These have been created thanks to the collaboration, fruitfully started on an experimental basis, with AGEA, identifying, through the cross-referencing of the reciprocal databases, risk indices. In fact, the tremote sensing technology developed by AGEA It allows to identify the existing crops and livestock on the cadastral parcels and this information has been cross-referenced by INPS with the data in its possession (including the turnover of the companies and the declared manpower units).
Visual inspections were also carried out.
The fight against undeclared work has a dual purpose:
– on the one hand, ensuring social security coverage for workers who lack it;
– on the other hand, protect healthy companies from those that, by being outside the law, have lower wage, social security and insurance costs with unfair competition to the detriment of virtuous companies.
During the operation, inspectors from several regions were involved with the active collaboration of the Carabinieri, giving a strong signal of the presence of the State as a deterrent against illegal work. The strengthening of the presence of the Institutions in the Pontine Marshes has led to a significant increase in the hiring of regular workers on fixed-term contracts in Latina and its province.
In the Pontine area, this year 7,368 fixed-term hires were recorded from 1 June to 15 July compared to 4,790 hires in the same period last year (+ 53.8%). In particular, in 2024, from 1 to 18 June (date of Satnam Singh’s death) 1,742 hirings were recorded. From June 19 to June 30, 3,287 hirings and from July 1 to 15, 2,339 hirings. Daily peaks in hirings were detected the day after the various checks on the territory that will continue precisely to combat undeclared work and ensure the protection of legality.