Von der Leyen, Pro Vita Famiglia attacks: “Abandon agenda on gender and surrogate wombs”
Not everyone rejoiced at the reappointment of Ursula von der Leyen to the European Commission. Among them Pro Vita & Famiglia onlus, which through its president Antonio Brandi declared: “We regret that despite the result of the European elections, which penalised the progressive and radical political forces of recent years, Ursula von der Leyen was reconfirmed as head of the European Commission, a figure who in recent years has represented these extremist and ideological instances. We hope that the new Commission will take note of the will of the European voters. abandoning the radical extremist agenda, especially in the bioethical and environmental fields. In particular, we ask President von der Leyen to trash all projects that are characterised to gender ideologystarting with the regulation on cross-border parenting certificates, which would open the door to the recognition of surrogate motherhood.
At the same time we expect more incentives for families and for birthsto combat the demographic winter that has gripped the Old Continent for too many years. Positive statements today by von der Leyen on the project to tackle the scourge of cyberbullying and convene a first European-level investigation into the impact of social media on the health of young people, which we know create a dangerous dependency and often push towards hyper digitalization. We hope that the Italian Commissioner who will be appointed will monitor all these points”.