The IRS will hold a virtual auction with several abandoned or seized items on July 30. The 231 lots include iPhones, electronics, vehicles and more. See how to participate.
It is worth noting that bids are for each lot, that is, items will not be offered separately.
The cheapest, with vehicles for resale of parts, starts at R$500. Among the most coveted are lots 88 and 89, with three iPhone 13s each for R$2,535. Lot 90, in turn, offers two iPhone 14 Pro Max and one iPhone 11 for R$2,840. The lots of vehicles in different conditions go up to R$80,000.
Who can participate in the Federal Revenue auction?
Individuals may participate if they meet the following criteria:
be over 18 years old (or an emancipated person); be registered in the Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF); have a Silver or Gold reliability seal in the system.
For legal entities, the rules are:
have regular registration in the National Registry of Legal Entities (CNPJ); the company manager (or attorney) must have a Silver or Gold reliability seal on
Image: SERGIO VS RANGEL / Shutterstock
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How to participate?
Interested? Check out our guide here that shows you how to participate in virtual auctions organized by the Federal Revenue Service. It is worth mentioning that you must respect the times and dates established by the Revenue Service.
To learn more and check all the items available per lot, access the full auction notice.
Image: sisi2017/Shutterstock
When will the auction be?
Proposals will be submitted online only and will run from July 25 (from 8 am) to July 29 (until 9 pm). The session begins at 10 am (Brasília time) on July 30, a Tuesday.
Those who prefer can visit the participating units of the Federal Revenue Service of the State of São Paulo to see the lots up close. In this case, prior scheduling is required at the times indicated in the notice.