Patriots, Vannacci attacks Le Pen: tensions in the far-right EU group
The Patriots, the far-right group that was just born in Europe, is already divided internally. The nomination of the Lega general Roberto Vannacci as vice president was blocked by Le Pen’s Rassemblement national because he is considered “too close to the Kremlin”. But Vannacci’s response was not long in coming. “I am not aware – the general thunders to La Repubblica – that the Rassemblement national can express vetoes, especially after a vote has already been conducted. The election of the vice presidents was unanimous, so it seems to me that their positions are certainly in contrast with what was decided during the vote”. “Moreover – Vannacci continues to La Repubblica – I am convinced that as soon as I have the opportunity to meet the MEPs of the RN we will be able to understand each other very well, even speaking in French. And I will be able to highlight the reality of things, which is beyond what is represented by biased left-wing newspapers”.
Then Vannacci opens up to the entry of the German neo-Nazis of Afd into the Patriots: “These will be decisions to be made together. In principle I have always been for open dialogue with all. An old battlefield rule says that the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Vannacci approves of the “peace mission” of the Hungarian prime minister. “I believe – concludes the general – that Orbàn’s visits to Kiev, Moscow and Beijing have shown that Europe can still have a role in the search for a peace negotiation between Russia and Ukraine. We made a pact with Stalin, why can’t we do the same with Putin? NATO has no real role in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict beyond Stoltenberg’s barking”.