July 7, 2024 | 15:07
A shocking video, filmed in Lanusei, Sardinia, shows a boy throwing a kitten from a bridge, amid the laughter of two friends. Animal rights groups denounce the act.
Lanusei, July 7, 2024 – A shocking video showing an act of animal cruelty is gathering comments of indignation and condemnation on social media. The video, shot in Lanusei in Ogliastra, shows a young boy throwing a kitten from a bridge, while two friends laugh and have fun.
The outrage on social media
The images of the cruel gesture quickly spread from one chat to another, outraging internet users. The video shows the bewildered kitten, motionless in the young man’s palm, before being thrown into the trees.
Animal rights associations report
The animal rights associations Aidaa, Lega Italiana dei Diritti degli Animali and Zampe che Danno una Mano were among the first to report the act to the competent prosecutors. Thanks to the video frames, the perpetrator of the gesture was identified, along with his two friends, all minors.
“Once again, young people are the ones who are the protagonists of unspeakable cruelty towards animals,” commented Cosetta Prontu, president of Lida di Olbia. “It is clear that something in society is not working. The authors of these acts are the children of a backward culture, according to which the life of an animal is worth less than nothing. They unload their dissatisfaction on the weakest, probably in search of gratification that they cannot find elsewhere, or simply to be successful on social networks.”
Possible legal consequences
The boy who threw the kitten could be charged with animal cruelty. The other two, who laughed and filmed, could be charged with complicity in the same crime.
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Lanusei, kitten thrown from overpass and filmed by kids
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