Fondi, 4 July 2024 – Big celebration on Sunday afternoon in the Querce hamlet where the district’s senior center was inaugurated, the third in the city of Fondi.
It was a deeply felt moment for the large community, in need of places to gather but too far from the center to easily reach the “Domenico Purificato”.
In the new facility, as announced by the president of the center Luigi Di Trocchio in the City Council, many recreational activities will be held, such as card games, dancing afternoons or billiard tournaments, but also prevention initiatives such as screening and diagnostic tests.
The new senior center is located in the former school on Via Ripa and is equipped with large spaces and small rooms for minor and management activities.
Many people took part in the inauguration ceremony on Sunday, which was held in the presence of the mayor of Fondi Beniamino Maschietto, the councilors Giulio Cesare di Manno and Sergio Di Manno and the provincial president of Ancescao Giuseppe Pascale.
The new centre, together with the historic site and the one in Selvavetere inaugurated in 2022, have been registered in the Single Register of the Third Sector.
This is an extraordinary result for the City of Fondi, one of the very few in Lazio to have not one, but three senior centers, all particularly active.
“It was a very emotional moment – commented the mayor – seeing the joy in the eyes and hearts of the many people present was the greatest reward. Behind every ribbon cutting there is a lot of work and that is why I want to thank the offices and all those who made this small but fundamental step forward possible. There is a lot of talk at European level about active ageing, we can say that in Fondi the commitment to improving the quality of life of the “less young” people, as I like to call them, is there and is starting to bear fruit”. It’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.