Montalto, 28 June 2024 – “Reading the council resolution of 24 June 2024 we are very happy to note that our requests have produced the first results. The majority has in fact approved the feasibility project for the renovation of the roof of the swimming pool” – as stated in a press note Insieme Montalto di Castro e Pescia Romana.
“The assignment to the studio that created the project was given more than a year ago, even though the Socciarelli administration already had a project approved between the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021.
It took a year for a feasibility study, and many requests from citizens and various political forces, to arrive at an official document in which we read that the intervention will probably be financed with private capital.
In the meantime, the equipment that has been standing on the parking lot of the stadium for several months and which we asked for in our previous press release, without receiving answers, is starting to be removed. What’s going to happen?
Certainly the absence of a public works councilor in office, vacant for almost a year now, has negatively influenced the development of the affair
It should also be remembered that the other assignments for the lots of the sports hall will also expire in a few days, in addition to the refreshment point which has remained closed for the entire sports season.
We are confident that by the beginning of the next sports year the swimming pool will finally be reopened, and we await further clarification on the assignment, methods and times for carrying out the works from the municipal administration”. it’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.