The Energon Universe continues in the new Transformers series under the script and drawing of the brutal Daniel Warren Johnson
Once the Energon Universe was introduced with Void Rivals, the ideas and series begin to expand to tell us more about this incredible stage initiated by Robert Kirkman. Moztros has planned it in the best possible way and taking advantage of the small hints that the series leaves about the next series.In Void Rivals we saw a Transformer stranded on the planet where the protagonists were and now in the first arc of Transformers we see a small detail about the GI Joe.
Unlike Void Rivals, Transformers is much more classic, with its good guys and bad guys well established.a fact that has already been highlighted in the grayscale used in Void Rivals and that clashes with the two franchises that belong to this universe, but that can still leave us with some surprises in the future when GI Joe and Transformers officially cross over.
Thus we also find A very simple story that doesn’t seem to present many surprises in its first volume., but that leaves the doors open to many variants and a fight that could continue over several volumes and crossovers with other series. May be a problem for those who expected a more adult or more intriguing story, but for intrigue we have Void Rivalsand with this series we know what we are looking for, flying scrap metal, cannon shots and epic moments in the fight between good and evil.
Daniel Warren Johnson has built a comic that, although it may be repetitive, he has managed to give it its own identity. and the necessary narrative rhythm. Added to this are the vignettes by Johnson himself that make you unable to stop reading and see if the next vignette is going to be just as epic and full of color as the previous one. That is, the work is not innovative, We are not going to meet The Last Ronin of the transformable robotswhy Its goal is to attract new readers, but also to hook those who know the Transformers. from his first toys, series or comics or even to those who knew him through the eyes of Michael Bay.
Of course, we have seen the story told several times and in very similar ways. This does not mean that Johnson manages to give it a unique and special identity, creating moments full of heroism.. Here we continue with the saving figure of Optimus Primebut Daniel Warren Johnson has managed to ensure that, no matter how good the Autobots are and we believe that they will always win, there is a lot at stake and with such a small Transformers squad, for now, the risk feels enormous and Each confrontation can leave us with significant casualties.
As for the drawing and colors, we must applaud the work of both authors, the drawing by Daniel Warren Johnson and the colors by Mike Spicer. Johnson knows that the most important thing in a story full of giant robots that transform into vehicles are the blows and the designs of characters and he fulfills both of them more than enough. There could be so much dynamism until your complaint is that the volume reads very quicklybut we know what we’re getting into and the story we’re going to be told, so it’s unfair to ask for more text when Johnson has prioritized visual narrative.
The author’s influences stand out a lot in the designs, with Much more square and colorful Transformers that are more reminiscent of the originals from the 80s and which Daniel Warren Johnson himself has confirmed. Here they also highlight Mike Spicer’s colors that perfectly convey the robustness of robotsthe shine of the metal and the wear of scratches and bumps.
Moztros has not wasted the opportunity to release a good edition that continues in the vein of Void Rivals in terms of design and to the details such as the title of Universo Energon. But it has a small negative point and that is that in The first volume of this universe comes with a flap indicating that the price is €16.50 and in the end this volume 1 of Transformers has been released on the market for one euro more, €17.50with the proof that It has the covers of each issue, the alternatives and an Optimus Prime card very much in the style of the classic comics. and that will be continued with the rest of Transformers.
Sin duda Transformers It is a must-have comic for fans and can easily hook new readers with a dynamic reading. and filled with vignettes filled with scrap metal and flying everywhere. Now we just have to see how Robert Kirkman expands the Energon Universe with the rest of the authors and how the GI Joe will be introduced in Duke’s miniseries, which we will talk about as soon as we can to continue discovering the ins and outs of Kirkman’s latest great creation.