The mini donkey Perry became known worldwide after the film Shrek. This is because the animal served as inspiration for the donkey in the film franchise. Living in a pasture within the Palo Alto park, in the United States, since 1997, he celebrated his 30th birthday this June. However, he has faced some health problems.
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Donkey Perry and character from “Shrek” (Image: Barron Park Donkeys and Dreamworks)
Animal needs expensive treatment
Since being abandoned by its owner, the donkey has received visits from fans and is cared for by caregivers. The animal has severe arthritis and Cushing’s disease.
The disease causes excess production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which causes fat to accumulate between the shoulders, leaving the face rounded and also causing stretch marks.
This condition can be treated but it is quite expensive. Last year alone, caregivers spent US$40,000 (almost R$220,000) to care for Perry and two other animals with the problem.
To help cover so many expenses, they rely on donations from volunteers. In addition to treatment, the money is used to buy food. To donate, simply click this link.
Donkey from the movie “Shrek” (Image: publicity/Dreamworks)
Inspiration for the film Shrek
Perry the donkey was discovered in 1999 when 3D animator Rex Grignon took a DreamWorks team to study the animals. He had already had the idea of creating the character, but wanted to have a reference on how the donkeys moved. At the time, 25 animators stayed in the park watching Perry to replicate his movements in the film. Shrek has become one of the most successful animated franchises today, winning an Oscar in 2022 in the Best Animated Feature category. When the award was announced, members of the Palo Alto community celebrated with Perry.