Fiumicino, 19 June 2024 – The controversies raised over the Aranova Senior Centerin particular relating to an alleged closure: “It will close its doors”declared the leader of the Democratic Party Ezio Di Genesio Pagliuca. Statement denied by the president of the city council Roberto Severini which explains how the issue was “Already resolved before it was raised publicly“.
The leader of the Democratic Party put the spotlight on the situation, asking for clarification and stating that “The reason for the closure, as reported by the president of the Centre, Spartaco Pisano, is attributable to the negligence of the municipal administration which, despite repeated PECs, did not intervene to restore the emergency exit. And the president, who also holds the role of head of the Centre, has to avoid incurring any risks decided to close the facility in order to decline any responsibility. We ask ourselves if this is the attention that the elderly people of Aranova deserve and if the social issue is close to the heart of this majority”.
“It is clear that certain people – commented Di Genesio Pagliuca – who for ten years did nothing but call for attention towards the north of the Municipality, were in reality intent on shining the spotlight solely on themselves, to purely electoral purposes. After a year we have confirmation that there is not a shred of love either towards the territory or even towards the citizens. Yet it was July 2022 when the current president of the City Council, at the time an opposition city councilor, who should have an impeccable grasp of the situation in Aranova, declared in the press how it was ‘absurd that after two years of closure due to the pandemic, the Aranova senior center still remains with its gates locked because the municipal administration has not managed to raise the funds necessary to complete the works. I will personally be the spokesperson for this need in the Council.’ What is absurd here – concluded the leader of the Democratic Party – is only the fact that now that the champion of the “Deep North” is part of the majority do not give the same attention to the Aranova Senior Center. As far as we’re concerned, given that we have had no further news about it we hope that after two days the case has subsided and that the elderly people of Aranova have returned to the centre. We therefore ask clarifications to the municipal administration regarding this matter.
Severini: “A situation already resolved”
Clarifications that didn’t take long to arrive, with the president of the municipal council which explains how: “Following the recent declarations of the defeated former Mayoral candidate, on the alleged closure of the Aranova Senior Center, it is It was necessary to clarify the situation, which was resolved before he raised it publicly“.
“The center has two electric shutters and therefore two entrances; therefore at no time was access to elderly visitors to the center limited. It’s true that there was a problem with one of the two engines, reported on March 7, for failure due to stress from malfunction. However, the Municipality acted, intervening twice; however, the efforts were not decisive, and the decision was reached to order a new engine and replace it, which has already been done todaythe. However, it is regrettable that the president of the senior center did not refer to these interventions, having personally opened the headquarters of the senior center to the municipal technicians.
Since 9am this morning – continues Severini -, workers were hard at work installing the new motorAnd. This is what councilor Pagliuca seems to have preferred to ride the wave of controversy rather than find out about the current situation, which would have shown a very different reality from the one described in his statement and would have saved him from making a bad impression. From a certain point of view, however, I am happy: the defeated candidate Pagliuca finally understood where Aranova is and the importance it has for this Municipality; but it’s a shame that when he governed with his majority, rejected and ridiculed all the proposals coming from Aranova. We are happy, perhaps he will need these years of opposition to finally deal with an area that he completely ignored for ten years.”
“The exploitation of this affair is evident,” concludes Severini, “which does not serve the interests of the citizens of Aranova but only the political ones. For our part, cwe continue to work with commitment and transparency to resolve local problems, always putting the well-being of our elderly and the entire community first.”