“Water is fundamental for health because we are made up of water. A child is almost 90%, people of a certain age are 70%. It is therefore very important to have the right quantities of water available for the physiology of the body. But above all, having clean, healthy, i.e. unpolluted, food is essential for living. Antonella Litta, medical representative of the Isde-Italia Association of Doctors for the Environment, reminds Adnkronos Salute on the World Day to fight desertification and drought.
The problem, he underlines, is that today we are “always dealing with new chemical pollutants: microplastics, bisphenol, phthalates and many other substances. This is because there is widespread pollution, the water is not made drinkable, therefore purified in the right. In Italy, purification plants work poorly. Water is a cycle and if a pollutant enters this process it is difficult to eliminate it. And, therefore, it becomes a threat to people's health an even more important threat because many pollutants present in water, the same Pfas, perfluoroalkyl substances, heavy metals, arsenic, are substances that pass the umbilical cord and the placenta, therefore they then interfere with the development 'program' fetal, laying the foundations for subsequent diseases already in the womb”, adds Litta.
We “need a quantity of water, not only for us – specifies the expert – but for all species, for all ecosystems, which is adequate and which is also clean. The problem of drought in Italy clearly denounces, again once, that prevention policies were not made, but only emergency policies were made – and are being made. That in recent years the severity of the lack of water has been increasingly highlighted is due to the fact that 50%, on a national scale, is lost from aqueducts, so there has been absolutely no investment in this. No action has been taken by thinking about creating reservoirs, implementing savings and education policies for this matrix which is precisely a source of energy. life then continued with the pollution of the land, with the consumption of the soil, because concreting also means removing the possibility of rainwater ending up in the aquifers”.
Litta denounces “the lack of vision on the part of politics and the relevant institutions. The scientific community was already talking about these problems, as well as climate change, 40 years ago. Now we find ourselves with a situation which is obviously also exacerbated by climate change, therefore drought becomes an extremely important problem, with all the repercussions on health”.
We “need a quantity of water, not only for us – specifies the expert – but for all species, for all ecosystems, which is adequate and which is also clean. The problem of drought in Italy clearly denounces, again once, that prevention policies were not made, but only emergency policies were made – and are being made. That in recent years the severity of the lack of water has been increasingly highlighted is due to the fact that 50%, on a national scale, is lost from aqueducts, so there has been absolutely no investment in this. No action has been taken by thinking about creating reservoirs, implementing savings and education policies for this matrix which is precisely a source of energy. life then continued with the pollution of the land, with the consumption of the soil, because concreting also means removing the possibility of rainwater ending up in the aquifers”.
Litta denounces “the lack of vision on the part of politics and the relevant institutions. The scientific community was already talking about these problems, as well as climate change, 40 years ago. Now we find ourselves with a situation which is obviously also exacerbated by climate change, therefore drought becomes an extremely important problem, with all the repercussions on health”.