After many misunderstandings among them finally the amor has called the puerta of Yasmin y Tolga. Although he already confessed at the time what felt for her, the Sarp's sister she closed herself off denying which felt. Furthermore, knowing that The young man was with Elif, meant a new obstacle given that He did not know what was it lie.
Little by little he left realizing that it was also falling in love of that chico that was always by y for her.
Yasminthen decide not lose more him time and launches into confess a Tolga everything that feel by he. With the aid of Ogulcan, is left over with him in the school yard and, with a Biscuit of carrotI know confess everythingIn addition, to make a proposal: “Would you like to date me?”.
Although it seemed like it was going to cry of happiness, Tolga he answers that no and the denies leaving Yasmin very sad y confused.
Fortunately, everything was joke y Tolga tells him that Of course What does he want go out con ella. The new partner with hug while celebran are amor. What a moment!