June 1, 2024 | 18:43
The secretary of the Democratic Party, from the Arco della Pace in Milan, responds to the prime minister: “I have a hard time understanding what language Meloni speaks, what film he is seeing: he is seeing another country”
Milan, 1 June 2024 – Today in Milan for the European election campaign there is Piazza Duomo with Matteo Salvini and Roberto Vannacci and there is the Arch of Peace with the PD demonstration and secretary Schlein. “We are in this. This is the square that wants a Europe based on social justice, on decent work, on business innovation that can drive digital and ecological transformation – explained Secretary Schlein upon arriving at the appointment. It is the square of the Democratic Party which has always been for something, before being against something or someone” she added. “It is a square that wants a Europe of common investments, what the nationalist right allied with Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini wants to block – she said. Let's not forget that Giorgia Meloni's party did not vote in favor of the Next Generation EU and Matteo Salvini's allies went around with a nice sign saying 'not a cent to Italy'”. “It's a little difficult to make the interest of the national team if you accompany these people in Europe,” she concluded.
The response to Meloni: “His government cancels freedoms”
“I'm reading some things, I'm having a hard time understanding what language Giorgia Meloni is speaking, what film she's watching. You see another country.” Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein responds to the words of Giorgia Meloni who from the stage of the electoral event in Rome asks her to take a position on whether she is democratic or not (read here). “The other day he attacked me after saying that the left erases identity – she added on the sidelines of the Pd event in view of the European elections in Milan -. I replied that you don't realize that in the year and a half that you have been governing you are canceling people's freedom“.