the fact
June 1, 2024 | 13:29
Reports of cars whizzing by at full speed in what citizens have nicknamed “Viale Montecarlo”
Ardea, 1 June 2024 – “Car races on via Modena and via Novara in the New Florida neighborhood. The fact was reported by a lady who around 9.00 pm together with their children and other families, they go for a walk on these well-paved roads, all lit, only a few dark sections, but transformed into a ropes course.
The interlocutor says that they zoom at high speed there isn't even time to focus on some license plate numbers. The lady, who often goes out with her family for a walk, continues by saying that “I am several evenings that this phenomenon has increased, while in winter it slows down”. The lady asks greater control by the police of the local tenancy considering that the municipal police ends their service at 8.00 pm so the only ones who can regularize this high-speed transit on these roads can only be the soldiers of the Army. Of course, the problem of high speed on these roads is not only on Via Modena and Via Novare, it would be enough to stop on Viale Nuova Florida even during the day, an avenue that everyone has now forgotten.called “Viale Monte Carlo”.
(Image generated with AI)