The Dark Knight Rises Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy concluded, however, Jonathan Nolan, who worked on the films, shared his hopes for a return
Jonathan Nolan would be happy to return for The Dark Knight 4 in the future. Jonathan is Christopher Nolan's brother and worked as a writer on all three films in the trilogy The Dark Knight. Yes ok The Dark Knight Rises of 2012 seemed to give a definitive end to Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Nolan would still be ready to develop new stories in that Batman universe.
Bale revealed he would return for a new Batman movie if Nolan were directing; However, the director shows no signs of returning to superhero movies. Still, there's plenty of potential for more stories in the world of the trilogy. The Dark Knightand the fact that the franchise is one of the best Batman movies keeps any opportunity on DC's radar. “Wouldn't that be a dream… So if I had the opportunity to go back and work on it again, absolutely?” he declared.
What could it be about? The Dark Knight 4?
While Nolan never revealed any formal plans for a fourth film in his Batman franchise, The Dark Knight Rises of 2012 could reveal the plan that said film would follow. The Dark Knight 4 could leave out Bale's Bruce Wayne and focus on a new character who becomes Batman. That person would be Joseph Gordon-Levitt's John Blake. The end of The Dark Knight Rises included a dumb, but impactful decision for the character and a possible fourth film.
The film revealed that Gordon-Levitt's character was actually named Robin John Blake, a clear nod to Batman's famous sidekick, Robin. Because of that connection and the years that have passed since The Dark Knight Rises 2012, a possible The Dark Knight 4 could explore Gordon-Levitt as a seasoned superhero. The character would probably be too old to be called Robin in-universe at this point, so make John Blake become the new Batman of the universe The Dark Knight Nolan's might be a better option.
While Gordon-Levitt's John Blake could become the new Batman, it's also hard to believe that if it were ever made The Dark Knight 4DC would not allow Bale to return for the film. With Jonathan Nolan on board to return to the franchise and Bale revealing that he would too if Christopher Nolan made another Batman movie, that possibility exists. Even though Bruce Wayne retired at the end of The Dark Knight Risesthe character could never be away from Batman for that long, and that's what another movie could focus on.