In Helldivers 2, dangerous insects and robots are presented as the ferocious enemies of the Galactic War, who in different factions endanger Protected Democracy and Super Earth. The latter are emotionless machines according to the official narrative, which has been questioned by a player, who claims that robots experience emotions.
A recent clip has sparked a debate and the inevitable jokes in the community, where an automaton is allegedly shown protecting its partner from enemy bullets. According to the Helldiver who posts the video, this robot reacts with apparent distress upon seeing a comrade fall under gunfire and says that instead of attacking, the automaton runs towards his fallen comrade.
You can read: Helldivers 2 players must choose between two planets which one to liberate to know which weapon they will have as a reward, and it cannot be both
The user accompanies the video with the following message: “I can't keep doing this. Automatons have emotions. Super Earth lied to us. They don't want this war, they are only forced to fight and dig.” Statements that are added to other clips published on various social networks, including some titled: “Helldivers 2: I know that robots cannot feel emotions.”
The reactions of the players to this possibility are diverse since while some celebrate the idea of inflicting fear and pain to the automatons and claim that this user commits betrayal of democracy by sympathizing with the automatons, other players have expressed ethical concern about the use of sentient beings in war. Recognizing the need to remove them to ensure democracy, these users have also expressed some compassion for automatons.
And although maintaining the lore of the game, several joke about it by sharing a large number of memes, the video has opened a space for philosophical debate about the true purpose of war in Helldivers 2. While some players embrace the idea of a conflict with beings endowed with emotions, others resist humanizing automatons.
Helldivers 2 player runs into neighbors or strangers talking about the game in bars or supermarkets
When a game is popular, it is normal to find many videos on YouTube about it, news and also conversations from the players themselves on social networks and forums. But according to one of these players, the success of Helldivers 2 has been such that he has “taken over” the city and hears people talking about the game everywhere he goes.
In a post, this player tells the community that between his daily trips to the place where he lives and what he does to go shopping or just stop by to have a coffee, he has come across many people talking about Helldivers 2, praising the game or simply sharing experiences in their games. As he says: “I went to buy food at the supermarket. The guys at the butcher counter and the guys at the self-checkout were each talking about Helldivers. Then I went for coffee next door on the way home. The baristas were also talking about Helldivers.”