In the beloved and vast universe of Helldivers, each battle becomes an epic showdown between humanity and the alien forces that threaten its existence. Since its debut, Helldivers has captivated players around the world with its frenetic cooperative action and challenging gameplay, with a fundamental part of its success being the possibility of fighting side by side with other companions, whether they are known or not.
So far, this limit of four players per squad has proven to be effective, allowing for clear communication and precise coordination amidst the chaos of battle, however, is it possible to add another soldier to the squad in the future? One of the Helldivers 2 community managers responds.
Having larger squads in Helldivers 2 may be on Arrowhead's radar, however, a Discord community manager, in response to a user I asked about this question, made it known that it is something that would require a lot of work if the team “sometime take that path.”
“I wonder if there will ever be bigger squads in helldivers,” commented one player.
Co-op play may never drop more than four Helldivers on a planet map at once, but it sounds like something Arrowhead has at least thought about.
“The short answer is that I don't know,” says Arrowhead community manager Thomas 'Twinbeard' Petersson on the Helldivers 2 Discord.
“I know that if we ever went down that path, it would require a lot of work. If it's ever a reality (which I'm not sure at all), it would be in the distant future.”
So squads larger than four shouldn't be expected in the near future, but it's one of those what-if scenarios that's fascinating to players. Adjustments to existing difficulties or even the introduction of new ones, as well as larger maps and modified objectives, are likely to be seen, although even if no changes are implemented, Helldivers' characteristic chaos would still be unmistakable.
Arrowhead is already extremely busy trying to balance fixing bugs and developing new content for Helldivers 2, so the possibility of larger squads is pretty low on the priority list.
Joel warns Helldivers players
The developers led by Grand Game Master Joel have been in charge of constantly preparing a new and important Greater Order. And after players have dealt heavy blows to the Automata and the Terminids, the studio behind the game warns that, in the next Grand Order, the troops “probably won't be able to contain both” alien armies.
“Choose carefully which planets you decide to focus on,” pointing to that time where divided forces and indecision in the gaming community were the reasons Helldivers lost a key Grand Order to the Automata a few weeks ago.