April 16, 2024 | 17:30
Piera Rosati, president of LNDC Animal Protection: “It's not about justicialism, but about justice. These kids need to understand that this kind of behavior has consequences.”
Anagni, 16 April 2024 – Kicked, loaded onto a wheelbarrow and thrown away like an old rag by a boy while the others filmed everything with their cell phones amid general laughter at an 18th birthday party in Anagni (read here). This was the fate of the sweet goat that outraged all of Italy last August. LNDC Animal Protection immediately filed a complaint for killing an animal and incitement to commit a crime, because something like this should not go unnoticed and unpunished.
Today, however, exactly this could happen, because the prosecutor of the Frosinone Court has requested the dismissal of the case. As reported in the notification received from LNDC Animal Protection, in fact, it would not be possible for the magistrate to establish whether the goat was still alive when it was treated in that way or whether it was already dead.
“The prosecutor, in his request for dismissal, defined the conduct of this group of young people as 'unpleasant and inappropriate' but it is much more. These are dangerous behaviors, because they reveal a total lack of respect for life and others and can be an indication of disturbed personalities which, when they manifest themselves at a young age, can evolve into even more violent and serious gestures as the years pass. The fact that the others present were making videos to post on social media, as if it were all a very fun game, is also really worrying. We cannot stand by and do nothing, so we will oppose the dismissal request and try to bring the people who behaved this way to court. It's not about justicialism, but about justice. These kids need to understand that behavior like this has consequences. And if the families have not been able to teach them, a court will have to do it”, he comments Piera Rosati – President of LNDC Animal Protection. it's on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source