'Vax corner' is online, a one-stop shop for virtual knowledge on vaccines, dedicated only to healthcare professionals, with verified content and useful medical-health information. The portal – created by GSK and which also allows access to other pharmaceutical and third-party sites – was created to respond to the needs that emerged from a survey recently conducted in Italy, for GSK, on over 200 doctors and healthcare workers. In fact, the questionnaire reveals that around 66% believe they are prepared on vaccines, but almost the same percentage say they struggle to access vaccine training. Furthermore, half of healthcare professionals say they look for topics on the topic through scientific publications and on public sites, but around 35% complain that they cannot find what they are looking for online, and around 58% say that it would be advisable to have easy material available. to be consulted on dosages and tolerability of vaccinations.
The Vax corner portal (edott.it/vaxcorner/) – according to a note – presents a simple and intuitive interface, which allows the user to quickly find the information they need and thus respond to a priority need of healthcare workers: have practical support in managing vaccinations and communicating with patients, thanks to a dedicated section. Furthermore, Vax corner is divided into several easy-to-consult macro-areas of interest: regional vaccination map, recommendations from scientific societies on vaccinations, vaccination management, materials for healthcare workers, events and training, news on vaccines, information material for patients and a tool that allows you to check for possible pharmacological interactions between drugs and vaccines.
“The doctor – underlines Flavio Santi, Project leader of the initiative within the Vaccines business unit of GSK Italia – has a fundamental role in transmitting the value of vaccination and we hope to have been able to respond with the Vax corner to the need to quickly find and easily rigorous and authoritative information sources”. To access the eDott portal – Your scientific information | VaxCorner, you must enter your credentials (if you are already registered on a GSK portal) or register.