Fiumicino, 28 March 2024 – “More efficiency and more clarity: these are the objectives of the new 'proposal'Cemetery Police Regulations‘ (read here) dedicated to the cemeteries of our territory, in particular those of via Portuense and Palidoro”. Speaking in a press release is Alessio Coronaspresident of the Commission “Social services, health services, equal opportunities, cemeteries, animal rights, ATER housing policy”.
“In the discussion we gave importance to the fact that the regulation was too 'old' – explains Coronas -, in the sense that did not take into account some user needs. Here, what we want is to make sure that citizens can have of efficient cemetery servicesi, overcoming the critical issues that have arisen in the past”.
“It's about a reform that will affect many points of the regulation – concludes Coronas -, with a focus also on correct communication and relationships with users and on transparency”. it's on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.