Moscow massacre, the 15-year-old Islam hero
Moscow massacre, the 15-year-old hero: “Those strange sounds on the stairs alarmed me”
While we are still trying to understand the exact dynamics and instigators of the attack on Mosca cost his life 143 peoplea background story emerges about those who escaped death. One hundred were saved thanks to a little boy 15 years who works as a part-time cloakroom attendant at the theater Crocus City where the massacre took place. “At the beginning – explains Islam Khalilov, the 15-year-old hero and reported by Il Corriere della Sera – I heard some strange sounds come from the foreground. I thought a noisy group“. Islam understands that there is no time to waste: “I realized that If I hadn't reacted immediately I would have lost my life e that of many others“.
In the videos – continues Il Corriere – you can see the boy in uniform, white shirt and black vest, leading a group of spectators towards the door leading to the adjacent building: “This way, this way, everyone go in that direction, towards the Expo, towards the Expo” he shouts excitedly. His presence of mind was helped by the course he had taken before being hired: “At the time they had explained to us what to do in case of emergencyso I knew where to take people to keep them safe” he explained. “When I arrived at the door leading to the other building I imagined myself terrorists that came from the stairs or the elevator killing us all with machine gun bursts or throwing a grenade. Luckily that didn't happen, I managed to get everyone out“.